Since ancient times, the crown has been considered not just an ornament, but a symbol of power, grandeur, and enduring glory. In the brilliance of gold and precious stones was reflected the history of great empires, the strength of rulers, and the desire to leave a mark on the centuries. This exquisite symbol of authority unites cultures and eras, becoming an embodiment of might and beauty.
The iPhone body is made of 750 gold, emphasizing its status and uniqueness. Its main adornment is the Caviar crown, a three-dimensional masterpiece of jewelry art, encrusted with diamonds, rubies, and sapphires.
The crown's design merges the symbolism of great rulers: the cross of the royal Monomakh's Cap, worn by Ivan the Terrible; the magnificent colors and gemstones of the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, created by Charlemagne; and the refined lines of the famous golden helmet of Suleiman the Magnificent. This smartphone transforms technology into art, linking modernity with the grandeur of the past.